Exercise Faith… Week 11

Our lives are governed by law- by actual, immutable principles that never vary. Law is in operation at all times; in all places. Fixed laws underlie all human actions.

It is well, however, to remember that while every effect is the result of a cause, the effect in turn becomes a cause, which creates other effects, which in turn create still others causes; so that when we put the “Law of Attraction” into operation we must remember that we are starting a train of causation for good or otherwise which may have endless possibilities.

The way I see it is … As our knowledge and familiarity with this principle grows, certain ways of achieving our desire begin to unfold to us.

Here we find a method, the spirit of which is, to believe that what is sought has been accomplished, in order to accomplish it: a method, bequeathed upon us by the same Plato who, outside of this sphere, could never find how the ideas became realities.

We are first to believe that our desire has already been fulfilled, its accomplishment will then follow.

One of the greatest teachers of all time put it this way… ” what things soever ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have them.”

Another way to put it is…” The Law of Attraction ” is the law by which thought correlates with its object.

By thinking of the things we desire, we are opening the door for it to come into our lives!

We exercise faith by knowing that the things we desire are ours to have, all we’ve got to do is believe and take action!

See it! Believe it! Achieve it!


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Cause and Effect…Week 10

Nothing happens without a definite cause! Every effect is the result of a definite cause!

Cause and Effect are natural laws that govern in the physical realm.

Most people who have no knowledge of cause and effect are governed by feeling and emotion.

Knowledge of cause and effect as shown by the laws  governing electricity , chemical affinity and gravitation, enables man to plan courageously and execute fearlessly. These laws are called Natural Laws, because they govern in the physical world, but all power is not physical power; there is also mental power, and there is moral and spiritual power.

Spiritual power is superior because it exist on a higher plane. The operation of this law is dependent upon spiritual contact. When we open ourselves to spiritual power, by right thinking, we allow invisible forces to go to work on our behalf and the Universal Mind can reach down into the human mind and endow it with new, strange, wonderful and even marvelous qualities.

Thought is an active vital form of dynamic energy which has the power to correlate with its object and bring it out of the invisible substance from which all things are created into the visible or objective world.

All things that have been created by man started in the mind!

I can see and understand why a lot of the things that happened in my life, good, bad or ugly, were of my own creation regardless of my ignorance of these natural laws.

Until next week! Keep Growing!


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Health,Wealth,and Love…week 9

I hope everyone enjoyed their Thanksgiving Holiday with plenty of food, family and things to be thankful for! I know that I am truly thankful for many joyful things in my life!

I just found out that my grandfather has cancer and will be passing on very soon and I am obviously hurt and upset about the situation! However, I started to think about all of the memories I have with my grandpa and I couldn’t help but to feel a certain joy and peace about this difficult situation because I know that he lived a pretty darn good life.

My grandpa, Charles Duffy, was born in Cummings, Iowa in 1929. I don’t know a lot about his childhood, but I do know that he went to work  very young to help with the family finances. One his first jobs was with the railroad when he was a teenager. He loved baseball and was pitcher for a semi-pro baseball team. He was a very strong and handsome man that was honest , hard working and loving.

I remember when I was young we used to spend a lot of time together fishing and camping and just enjoying each others company. Our families were very close when I was little! Those are some of the memories I cherish the most!

My grandpa worked for Ford Motor Company and retired after 30+ years of service in Claycomo, Mo. He was a pillar of strength, character, and spiritual harmony in my eyes and I will use his example to go forward in my life!

This leads me into Master Key week 9 and how it relates to living a fulfilling, joyful, and prosperous life. Haanel states that there are 3 things which all mankind desire and which are necessary for the highest expression and complete development of oneself. Health, Wealth, and Love.

My grandpa was extremely healthy most of his life! He was not wealthy, but he had cared for and raised 9 children. That took quite a large financial commitment. And because of that he gave and received an abundance of love that some people could only dream of! He lived a successful life as far as I’m concerned!

Because of my Grandparents example, I will spend the rest of my life working to become that absolute Healthiest, Wealthiest, and Loving human being I can possibly become.

Happy Holidays!


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T.V. Diet?…Week 8

This week in the Master Key part 9 sentence 19 Haanel says… “You can not entertain weak, harmful, negative thoughts for 10 hours a day and expect to bring about beautiful, strong, and harmonious conditions by 10 minutes of strong, positive, creative thought.”

Its difficult enough to change and recreate ourselves as it is, but when we spend the majority of our day thinking about all the things that disempower us more than we think about the things that empower us, we are in essence working against ourselves and making the change that we seek extremely harder, if not totally impossible.

I’ve done this the majority of my life and never realized the damage that I was inflicting on myself. How about this? I used to say… ” Life’s a bitch then you marry one!”… ooh! How damaging was this going to be to any future relationships? Devastating! Good thing I was able to change that thought otherwise I’m sure I wouldn’t still be married to my angel and soul-mate for 19 years now.

I heard someone say one time that “the things, or circumstances, or desires that we seek are seeking us.” I believe that to be true! But we have to “open the door”, or “make the way” for them to come into our lives by breathing life into their existence by constantly visiting them every day as often as possible.

I’ve been really working with the “Law of Substitution” this week and I’m noticing it getting easier and easier to think of something empowering when I begin to think of something negative or dis-empowering.

I also went on a T.V. diet this week! I did not plop my butt down in front of the “boob tube” for 6 consecutive days. No MMA! No Family Guy! No Sports Center! There were nights when my cells were screaming for their nightly after work fix and they didn’t get it. After the 3rd or 4th night it wasn’t so hard! I became totally engulfed in reading and personal development.

My vision of my future, ideal life is becoming clearer and clearer as I dig deeper and deeper into the essence of my being. As each week passes by I am becoming stronger and more convicted about what I’m doing and that it is paying huge dividends now and for the rest of my life



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Mental Diet… Week 7

One of our homework assignments this week was to go on a “mental diet “by cutting negative thoughts to shreds as soon as they came into our awareness. By observing more closely the thoughts that I think and entertain I realize that I’m not as positive as I thought I was. Here again was another revealing and humbling exercise that I had to dig deeper within myself to uncover something that was probably holding me back from being as effective in my life and my business as I wanted to be.

Whenever a negative thought would creep into my mind we were instructed to immediately interrupt the thought with the “Law of Substitution” and think of something that brought us joy, happiness, or strength. The objective was to string together 7 consecutive days in a row without allowing a negative thought to take control of our awareness. Wow! Much more difficult to do than to say! I have started over more times than I would like to admit. Work in Progress!!!

In the Master Key part 7 we read about visualizing and idealizing our dreams, goals, and desires and by doing so we were creating a stronger magnetic pull to achieve those things.

Visualizing and Idealizing our perfect expression of life the way we would live if we were to create it exactly how we would desire it to be.

If the things and situations that we desire are not a working part of our minds on a daily, continuous basis then how can one expect to realize the desire without first creating it in one’s own mind? The world without is a reflection of the world within!

We must concentrate on the things that we want, not the things we don’t want. Henceforth, similar thoughts attract similar situations and things!

Loving the process of discovery!


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Show Some Love…Week 6

This week we started scroll “2” in the greatest salesman. Mandino say’s that love is our greatest weapon to open the hearts of men.

“Muscle can split a shield and even destroy life but only the unseen power of love can open the hearts of men and until I master this art I will remain no more than a peddler in the market place”!

Ouch! Left blow right to the right to the kidney!

This has been one of my biggest challenges. Part of my old self, which still resides in me, is addicted to confrontation. To show my family unconditional love is a challenge and one I go the “extra mile” for without question.

But to do that for someone else? Easier said than done!

Here is another twist on my thinking that is stretching the “pudding” right out of me! Yes!

I am beginning to greet each day with love in my heart for all mankind. Even the one’s that are the most challenging, I picture their face in my mind and say ” I Love You” from this point forward.

In the Master Key, Haanel say’s that cultivation of attention is the distinguishing characteristic of every successful man or woman, and is the very highest personal accomplishment which can be acquired.

The example of the magnifying glass really brought this home for me. Most people know that by focusing the sun’s energy through a magnifying glass we can start a fire with paper or dry wood. The beam when fixed on a single point and held there eventually creates enough heat to start a flash and boom we have a fire.

The same thing happens in our lives when we focus our attention on a clearly defined, major purpose. We set in motion a chain reaction of events that lead us to our desire.

Most people diminish their ability to accomplish worthwhile goals or dreams because their energy and focus is too scattered!

Experiencing growing pains!

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Out with the Old…Week 5

This week was by far the most challenging I’ve had so far on my journey of personal discovery with the MKMMA.

In the “Master Key “part 5 Haanel states in # 16 to gain this estate, three processes are
necessary: You must earnestly desire it. You must assert your claim. You must take
possession. ( Referring to the life you are wanting to create)

Our work this week was about taking possession through writing a press release about how life would be when we have accomplished our DMP.

My mind was fighting me fiercely because it did not want to let go of my old, familiar programming. There were days when it seemed like everything was going wrong when it really wasn’t. I really appreciate the video that Mark did talking about that old identity was not gonna give up without a fight and then I totally understood why I was feeling the way I was feeling. Then I was finally able to finish my press release.

I just had to assert myself a little more ferociously to get my old identity to shut the hell
up and move out of the way for the new Roy to take its rightful place. It didn’t stand a chance!

I must admit, that expressing myself through writing out my thoughts and feelings has not been easy but I think I’m beginning to accept it as a part of the process of recreation and it’s strengthening my fortitude.

I am one with Infinite Power!



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Rewired for Success…

Wow! This week’s material has been some of the best I’ve ever had the opportunity to learn from… opening myself up to Infinite Power, Strength, and Wisdom has shed much new light on my once limited and dogmatic view of the “Universal Spirit” and the power available to me once I open myself up so that power can work through me and benefit not only myself but everyone that comes in contact with me.

It turn’s out that most people are chemically addicted to the feeling’s and emotions experienced throughout our lives that are linked to people, places, things, time, or events and we are incapable of objective thought because of how we have experienced life. We color things to fit our idea of how things are.

Fortunately, we can break these chemical addictions and recreate our view of our world and our ability to succeed in a given endeavor if we are given the proper knowledge, the proper understanding, and the proper instruction.

We should be able to see measurable results if we make the effort to design a new life and make it the most important thing and spend time feeding it everyday. We will produce favorable results if we are committed.

With the help of Mark, Davene, and the MKMMA we are rewiring ourselves for the success that we seek. It’s been a wonderful and revealing inner look at how we become the creator and master of our personal inner domain.

After all, our outer world is a mirror reflection of our inner thoughts, feelings, and beliefs.


Roy Rogers

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From Lambs to Lions….

The majority of people are fine with following the expectations of everyone else in the world, except their own. To learn how to think for oneself is not commonly taught. Most people are told what to think not how to think by people who love us but have never done their thinking for themselves either. Have you ever heard this! Just go to school and get a “real good” education and then find a good company to work for and you’ll be set. We’ve all probably heard it!
And sometimes that works out for folks! Today it takes more than just a good education to create a good lifestyle. You have to be willing to adapt to the ever changing business climate and continue to learn new skills to come out on top. But our success is more determined by the thoughts that we think on a daily basis.

This week we learned that the subconscious mind does not decipher information it only follows the directions of the conscious will. And the solar plexus is the vitalizing link between the conscious and the subconscious. Fear is the only state of mind that will dulling the power of our solar plexus to generate the energy necessary to impress our subconscious mind and its that presence of fear that slows down or completely shuts off our ability to transmute our desires into physical reality. Therefore, we must eliminate fear at all cost if are to live as we desire.

By taking complete control of the stimulus that reaches our subconscious we can recreate our lives and become the lion instead of the pathetic lambs that so many people are o.k. with! Our subconscious is slave to our conscious mind. Tell it what to do assertively, and eventually it will do your bidding!


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Week 2 Review…

What a week! Life doesn’t slow down just because you make a decision to get your head put on straight. I must admit after the first two calls I felt a little overwhelmed. I couldn’t help but think ” wow this is a lot ” how in the world am I going to get this done! My conscious will had to over-ride my subconscious whining about how hard it was going to be and just suck it up and get er’ done.

It’s amazing what can happen when you burn the boats and blow up the back door’s to your excuses. I did not hit all of my business goals but I accomplished so much anyway. My business break throughs are coming… I know it! Doing my daily readings is getting easier and easier. I think my focus has actually gotten sharper. I can see it getting incrementally better everyday.

I really like how the explanation of the PPN’s helped to uncover my DMP a little more deeply. The concentrated effort on creating and getting to the core of my DMP is very powerful and enlightening. Getting to the juice, the oxygen, the life’s blood of my purpose is exactly what I needed to smack me out of my self pity and the ” whoa is me’s”

We are still at the very beginning and I am committed to the very end. This process is very challenging and revealing. Come hell or high water, I’m riding this boat to the distant shores of the success that is mine. I’m so very proud to be a part of the Master Key Master Mind Alliance.

Until next week! Cheer’s!!!

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